Graduating and in a Digital World: Seminar & Website by Dr. Jorge Perez, Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Accreditation Liaison, and Professor of Information Systems, Kennesaw State University
Graduating In a Digital World: From Digital Literacy to Emerging Technologies
by Dr. Jorge Perez, Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Accreditation Liaison, and Professor of Information Systems, Kennesaw State University and has recently served as the Faculty Executive Assistant to the President for the past three years. Dr. Jorge Perez created this website for our graduating seniors in my KSU 4401: Senior Seminar to develop their digital expertise as they prepare for post-university life:
Dr. Jorge Perez presents an innovative and inspiring seminar on graduating in a digital world to my sections of KSU 4401: Senior Seminar Students and Honors 3000: Colloquium. He has visited my classes on January 31, 2012, October 11, 2011, June 14, 2011, February 15, 2011, September 21, 2010, and February 2, 2010 bringing his knowledge and insights regarding the importance of committing to continue to develop digital literacy expertise after college. Digital Literacy encompasses understanding how technology drives communication, decisions, networking, business and more. Digital Literacy includes mastery of software, hardware, social media, web development, and more. Dr. Jorge Perez invites today’s college graduates to be major stakeholders in their continuous development as digital literacy learners.
Dr. Jorge Perez is continually developing this website for KSU 4401: Senior Seminar Students and he shares it with graduating college seniors around the world! Bookmark his great website resource and use it has a guide for your continuous development as digital literacy learners!
Dr. Jorge Perez has also created a slide show presentation to accompany the website he created for his seminar Graduating in a Digital World:
Click here to view his presentation by Dr. Jorge Perez:
Graduating in the Digital World 2012-10-12
Additionally, Dr. Jorge Perez is sharing the handout created for “TEaCH IT Literacy Workshop” delivered at the KSU CETL (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning) written and developed by Dr. Meg Murray, KSU Associate Professor of Information Systems, and Dr. Jorge Perez, KSU Associate Professor of Information Systems:
TEaCH IT Literacy Workshop Notes
As part of his presentation in Spring 2011, Dr. Jorge Perez introduced the class to the Prezi: The Zooming Presentation Editor format. Since we create portfolios in our class, Prezi became a portfolio format that was used by several college seniors in KSU 4401: Senior Seminar. For information on using the Prezi format for your portfolio and to view sample portfolios go to: Prezi Guidelines: Creating Prezumes & Portfolios – Organized by Kevin Albert & Michelle White
As part of his presentation in Summer 2011, Dr. Jorge Perez discussed disabling 3rd party cookies in Internet Explorer. He shared with us the video he created for walk us through this process. Disabling 3rd Party Cookies on Internet Explorer (Video) by Dr. Jorge Perez.
Thank you Dr. Jorge Perez for being our Digital Literacy Pathfinder!
Dr. Joanie Leichter Dominick i