Leveraging Open Source Software For Your Success Seminar with Noah Lekas, Data Adminstrator & Architect with Private Health Information Techonology Company, Lekas Consulting, Owner of Dynamic Self Defense Of Atlanta and KSU Graduate
Leveraging Open Source Software For Your Success Seminar
By Noah Lekas
Noah Lekas generously prepared and shared this innovative seminar on using Open Source Software for our college seniors success. He volunteered to prepare and share this seminar in both of my KSU 4401: Senior Seminar courses on February 22, 2011. Noah Lekas was a student in my KSU 4401: Senior Seminar in Spring 2011. Since then he continues to lead this innovative seminar in KSU 4401: Senior Seminar.
Noah Lekas, thank you so very much for preparing and sharing this innovative seminar you created entitled “Leveraging Open Source Software for Your Success”.
Learn how to leverage open source software for your personal and professional success. Open source software is free to all users. Never again will you have to shell out $150 to $500 for a computer program.
This presentation will define open source software. It will show you some simple examples of how it can work for you. Also, we will discuss how knowledge of open source software can empower you with tools that make you stand out from the crowd in your job search or current job.
Highlights include:
The benefits of Open Source.
-What is GNU/Linux anyways?
-Linux, it is not a new thing.
-No More Computer Viruses…
-How your employer will love you when you use open source.
-Free Software for everyone.
Demonstration of Ubuntu Linux OS:
-How to install on your current PC or Mac.
–What is dual-boot?
-How to get the software you need.
-Extended battery and hardware life.
-No need for newest computer hardware.
Operating Systems:
http://www.gimp.org/ – A free graphic design software (think photoshop without the $700 price tag)
http://amarok.kde.org/ – The best music player (better ipod support than apple)
http://www.openoffice.org/ – A free office suite
http://www.ardour.org/ – Digital Audio Workstation
http://jackaudio.org/ – Digital Audio Pipeline, just awesome.
http://kompozer.net/ – Webpage creator, html and css editor
http://www.scribus.net/canvas/ Scribus – Publishing software (like publisher and acrobat put together)
http://www.winehq.org/ – Windows Binary library to allow the use of some windows programs on Linux
http://cinelerra.org/-Cinelerra is the most advanced non-linear video editor and compositor for Linux. It is developed by Adam Williams (formerly known as Jack Crossfire) at Heroine Virtual Ltd.
http://www.libreoffice.org/ – “Libre Office is the power-packed free, libre and open source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and GNU/Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing.”
http://www.gimp.org/ – “GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.”
http://www.blender.org/ – “Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License – model – shade – animate – render – composite – interactive 3d.”