Developing & Monitoring Your Digital Professional Presence (DPP)
Developing & Monitoring Your Digital Professional Presence (DPP)
After you have crafted your learning story which becomes your resume, elevator speech, and portfolio, it is time to develop your digital professional presence or what I like to call for short your DPP. Some of you already might have a DP (digital presence – Web 1.0 Websites, Webfolios, etc. and Web 2.0 Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or some might be digital newbies, however, as your prepare for college graduation, career search, and career development – it is to develop your Digital Professional Presence (DPP). It is important to manage your online presence and reputation, so make it a habit to “Google” yourself regularly to monitor your Digital Professional Presence. Here is a great article by Sharon Sheldon on managing your online reputation.
Digital Professional Presence Course by Dr. Joanie Leichter Dominick:
Using Neo-Aristotelian Rhetorical Theory: Strategizing Your Digital Professional Presence
DPP Resources:
Quintessential Careers: Building Your Online Career Brand – Five Tools for Career Seekers