The Complete Graduate Resource

Taking Stock of Your Essential Skills

Taking Stock of Your Essential Skills

What essential attributes do employers, graduate schools, and society want from you as a college graduate and productive citizen? The essential attributes fall into two skill categories (Consult: National Association of Colleges and Employers 2016 for more information)

I. Specific Skills: Evidence of Expertise in Your College Major
• Develop a portfolio of your academic major coursework and internships
• Show examples of your expertise development in your academic major
• Feature examples of your academic major coursework and how substitutes for professional experience

II. General Skills: Range of Skills from your College Experience
Technology Skills (e.g., digital literacy, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, etc.)
• Quantitative skills (e.g.,accounting, statistics, economics)
Communication skills (e.g., written and oral)
• Marketing/selling skills (e.g., sales, publicity, fund raising)
• Scientific skills (e.g., lab skills, scientific research)
• Foreign language skills (e.g., Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, or Russian)
Decision Making skills (e.g., problem solving individually and in group)
Leadership skills (e.g., supervisory, extracurricular leadership roles, teamwork/team leader).

Resources for identifying your Essential Skills:

Quintessential Career: Transferable Skills:
Job Skills And Values
Cover Letter with Transferable Skills

Transferable Skills Checklist from Rogue Communication College

Transferable Skills Wordle created by Dr. Joan E. Leichter Dominick 2/6/2013


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