The Complete Graduate Resource

College Seniors Speak: Advice for Life After College with Kaitlyn Hyde, KSU Senior

College Seniors Speak: Advice for Life After College with Kaitlyn Hyde, KSU Senior


From Dylan Northrup, KSU 4401: Senior Seminar – Summer 2015

As for advice I would give to others, starting college and graduating, here’s the important bits:

- Higher learning is a privilege afforded to few. it should be savored and relished while you can.

- At school it matters how well you do on your quizes, homework, projects and exams. Out there it matters how you apply what you learn because every day is an exam and it’s cumulative.

- Just because someone is different from you doesn’t mean they’re better or worse than you. If you try to put yourself in their shoes and learn from their experience, you’ll be able to broaden your horizons and grow personally.

- Lastly, some practical financial advice: if you buy a house, it should cost at most twice your annual income; if you buy a car, it shouldn’t cost more than 20% of your annual income. Don’t let anyone try to sell you something more expensive.

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