The Complete Graduate Resource

The GPS: Grad Portfolio Story Process – Mapping Your Learning Story

The GPS: Grad Portfolio Story Process has five continual phases of development which help you design, deliver, and continually assess your learning history and learning plans: Reflect, Assess, Collect, Connect, and Express – GPS: Grad Portfolio Story Process. By going through these continual phases of development of your GPS: Grad Portfolio Story you will have (1) a distinct archived history of your learning and plans for your future learning, which results in a Reflective Portfolio/Private Portfolio and (2) have the baseline to design and develop a Best of Show Portfolio/Public Portfolio to present your learning story and learning plans to society for career search, graduate schoolentrepreneurial endeavors, community service and most importantly for yourself.

As shared by  JoyEllen Freeman, Outreach/Special Collections Archivist KSU Department of Museums, Archives & Rare Books: “Remember, your GPS: Grad Portfolio Story is just one portion of your life story. By developing a GPS: Grad Portfolio Story and taking the time to preserve records that document your professional goals and accomplishments, you are embarking on a larger endeavor of archiving your life story, or in other words, archiving your LPS: Life Portfolio Story” (Consult: seminar created for INTS 4498). Here is The GPS: Grad Portfolio Story Process Rubric:


Why Create a GPS: Grad Portfolio Story?
GPS: Grad Portfolio Story – Mapping Your Journey to Life After College – KSU Graduates Testimony Showcased (Video)

Mapping the Journey to Life After College: Using GPS: Grad Portfolio Stories


How to Create a GPS: Grad Portfolio Story?
Creating Your GPS: Grad Portfolio Story Video by Dr. Joan E. Leichter dominick  (c) 2010. Produced by Patti Dunne, Multimedia Designer, animation by Michael Leitmann, Multimedia Developer & Animator, and Dr. Joan E. Leichter Dominick. Original Animation Caricature for Animation by Tom Sito and arranged by Pat Connolly Sito.


What’s Your Story? Creating Your Portfolio from Joan Dominick on Vimeo.


To Design and Develop Your GPS: Grad Portfolio Story…


GPS: Grad Portfolio Story Process


Mapping Your GPS: Grad Portfolio Story + Samples + Resources
GPS: Grad Portfolio Stories – Integrative Studies Samples


Phase One: Reflect – Reflective Portfolio/Private

R Reflect Reflect on Your Learning Story – What is Your Learning Story? Reflective Portfolio-Private

Assignment One: Creating Your Reflective Portfolio – Phase One: Reflect  – 75 points

Creating Your Reflective Portfolio


Phase Two: Assess – Reflective Portfolio/Private

A Assess Assess: Self-Assessment – What are Your Significant Learning Experiences? Why are these Your Significant Learning Experiences? What are your plans for life after college? Reflective Portfolio-Private

Assignment Two: Creating Your Reflective Portfolio – Phase Two: Assess - 100 points


Phase Three: Collect – Reflective Portfolio/Private

C Collect Collect Evidence/Artifacts of Your Learning- How will you support your Significant Learning Experiences?Set up Your Reflective Portfolio-How will you archive your Reflective Portfolio? Reflective Portfolio-Private

Assignment Three: Creating Your Reflective Portfolio – Phase Three: Collect – Part One -  100 points

Assignment Four:  Creating Your Reflective Portfolio – Phase Three: Collect – Part Two INTS Experiential Learning Survey/Essay 100 points


Phase Four:  Connect – Best of Show Portfolio

C Connect Connect: Develop the Mission, Design, and Format for your Public Portfolio Best of Show Portfolio – Public

Assignment Five: Creating Your Best of Show Portfolio – Phase Four: Connect


Creating and Sharing Your Public Portfolio

Your Public Portfolio is developed much like a public speech about yourself .  Just as there are three types of Public Speeches:  Informative, Persuasive, and Ceremonial, your Public Portfolio can be Informative, Persuasive, Ceremonial or a combination of these. 

Mission: What is the mission of your portfolio? Is it for career, graduate school, entrepreneurial endeavors, self, etc.? Who is the audience? It is an employer, graduate school, self, etc.? Is the mission to inform, persuade, celebrate, or all of these?

Design: What is the design of your portfolio? How are you organizing the content of your portfolio?

What is the Design of your GPS: Grad Portfolio Story? How are you organizing the content of your portfolio?

  • If you have chosen an Informative Design, what are your main topics? This choice of design focuses on telling your story. Consider using your Elevator Speech as a way to organize your Public Portfolio.
  • If you have chosen a Persuasive Design, what are your main arguments? This choice of design focuses on selling your story. Consider using your Resume as a table of contents for your Public Portfolio.
  • If you have chosen a Ceremonial Design, what are your main values? This choice of design focuses on celebrating your story. Consider using your Reflections to organize your Public Portfolio.
  • Are you choosing a combination of Informative Design, Persuasive Design, and/or Ceremonial Design? What are your design plans?

Formats: What format is the best way to share your story?

GPS: Grad Portfolio Formats
Free eFormats for GPS: Grad Portfolio Story


Phase Five: Express – Best of Show Portfolio

E Express Express: Share and/or Present Portfolio to Public Stakeholder Assessment and for Sharing Your Learning Story Best of Show Portfolio-Public

Assignment Six: Creating Your Best of Show Portfolio – Phase Five: Express - 200 points

Creating and Sharing Your Public Portfolio
Supplemental Resources:
Create a Grad Hat Portfolio Story for Graduation….
Grad Hat Story
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The Complete Graduate Resource