The Complete Graduate Resource

Networking: Tips and Resources

Networking Tips:

Dr. Joanie’s 5 Networking Steps

The world is waiting for you to share your talent, experience, and new college degree!

How to do you begin to share your learning story?

Networking is a powerful tool to share your story.

Take Dr. Joanie’s 5 Networking Steps to share your story and help yourself and the world:

1. Networking to Introduce: yourself and others
2. Networking to Inform: share information
3. Networking to Persuade: sell an idea and/or problem solve
4. Networking to Speculate: prepare for the future
5. Networking Formats: from face to face and to social media

Networking is a great way to let the world know about you, what you are looking for, and how you can help with the success of others and organizations.

Whether your goals are to work with an organization or establish your own business, networking is a great way to get your story told.

Network with family, friends, colleagues, and new contacts sharing your career and life vision. Pay networking forward, by doing the same for them.

Network with your elevator speech! Network using Social Media! Network with your portfolio!

Let’s begin your successful transition from college using the 5 Networking Steps to share your great story to help the world!

Networking Resources:

Defining Networking in Business: Operational, Personal, and Strategic by Dr. Hermenia Ibarra, INSEAD Professor of Organizational Behavior

Networking 2.0: Using Social Media for Professional Networking

LinkedIn for College Graduates: Networking

Facebook: From Career Networking to Job Search Privacy Tips

Twitter: From Developing A Professional Homepage to Career Networking

Tim Houston has written a book entitled “The World’s Worst Networker“. Check it out for great insights and information on networking!

Networking for Success: Interview with author/speaker: Tim Houston, The Networking Czar

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